Website user guide

The main functionalities of the Rhea website are accessible from the home page (go there by clicking the Rhea logo at the top left of any page) and the top menu that is available on all pages.


1Simple search - Retrieve reactions with a full-text search.
2Advanced search - Retrieve reactions by searching in specific database fields that can be combined with logical operators.
3Browse - Retrieve all reactions from the Rhea database.
4Structure search - Retrieve reaction participants (and then reactions) by searching with a chemical structure.
5Retrieve/ID mapping - Retrieve reactions by entering, or uploading, a list of identifiers from metabolic resources.
6SPARQL - Go to the Rhea SPARQL endpoint to execute semantic queries in Rhea and across the SPARQL endpoints of other resources.
7Download - Download Rhea data files in several formats from our FTP site.
8Help - Browse and search the help pages.
9Feedback - Contact the Rhea team.