Browsing Rhea


Browse Rhea content

You can access the full content of Rhea by just clicking the Browse link or by clicking the Search button with an empty search box.


You will get a result page that contains a reaction table that you can browse, filter, customize and download.


Each row of the result table represents a Rhea reaction. Click an identifier in the Reaction identifier column to access the Rhea reaction page with the full annotation of the reaction.

Filter results

You can filter the results by:

Reaction types

  • Chemical or transport reactions involving proteins
  • Chemical or transport reactions involving nucleic acids
  • Transport reactions only

Enzyme classification

Reactions that are linked to EC numbers can be filtered by their main enzyme class (see details) and those that are not (yet) classified can be retrieved with the Unclassified filter.

Customize results table

The default result table has 4 columns. Click the gear wheel symbol above the table to customize the columns that you want to display.

Column headerContent
Reaction identifier (default)The unique identifier of the reaction.
Equation (default)The chemical equation for the reaction.
Participant identifierRhea reaction identifier.
ChEBI nameRhea reaction identifier.
ChEBI identifierRhea reaction identifier.
Enzyme class (default)EC number(s) and enzyme class(es).
EC numberEC number(s).
Enzymes (default)Number of proteins that are annotated as catalyzing enzymes in UniProtKB.
PubmedPubMed identifier.
Gene OntologyGene Ontology (GO) Molecular Function identifier.
Cross-reference (EcoCyc)EcoCyc reaction identifier.
Cross-reference (MetaCyc)MetaCyc reaction identifier.
Cross-reference (KEGG)KEGG reaction identifier.
Cross-reference (Reactome)Reactome reaction identifier.
Cross-reference (M-CSA)M-CSA/MACiE reaction identifier.

Example: add a column to display related Gene Ontology (GO) terms
- Click on the gear wheel
- Check Gene ontology
- Click on Submit

Download the reactions

Click on the download symbol above the table to download the data as a tab-separated value file. Only the displayed columns will be exported (see customize). You can also simply download the list of reaction identifiers.

Find enzymes

Click the Find enzyme button to search enzymes in UniProtKB that catalyze the reactions that are shown in the result table. You can search for a subset by ticking the check boxes on the left side of a reaction row.