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RHEA:11496 RHEA:11497 RHEA:11498 RHEA:11499
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Published in: Ahmmad, M.A.S., Maskall, C.S. and Brown, E.G. Partial-purification and properties of willardiine and synthase activity from Pisum sativum. Phytochemistry 23 (1984) 265–270. Ikegami, F., Kaneko, M., Lambein, F., Kuo, Y.-H. and Murakoshi, I. Difference between uracilylalanine synthases and cysteine synthases in Pisum sativum. Phytochemistry 26 (1987) 2699–2704. Murakoshi, I., Ikegami, F., Ookawa, N., Ariki, T., Haginiwa, J., Kuo, Y.-H. and Lambein, F. Biosynthesis of the uracilylalanines willardiine and isowillardiine in higher plants. Phytochemistry 17 (1978) 1571–1576.